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17 Oct 2020

Admissions Policy

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All applicants must provide a salvation testimony and give evidence of sound Christian character. This would include a decision for Jesus Christ, commitment to the will of God, and determination to prepare for Christian service. The student must be filled with the Holy Spirit, and his/her character should be such that he/she is considerate of others, obedient to authority, willing to work, and willing to be taught. Habits or lifestyles that are inconsistent with a Christian witness are unacceptable.

Everyone is Ordinary until trained..

LJMTI requires all applicants to:

1. Be born again and living a clean, committed, moral life.

2. Be at least 18 years of age.

3. Submit a completed application.

4. Pay a stipulated non-refundable application fee.

5. Submit two personal recommendations to LJMTI along with application. One should be filled out by your current pastor, and one by your present employer or an individual (not related to applicant) who has known you for at least three years.

6. All applicants must be willing to allow LJMTI to do a background check if necessary.

7. Supply Main Campus Registrar’s office with official copies of all transcripts from Previously attended institutions.

8. Applicant must submit an health report about him/ herself to certify him/her fit for the admission.

9. The applicant will receive official notification in writing after his/her application has been approved.

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